Writings & observations from the UX trenches
By Brock Willsey
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Product Operations Fundamentals: Part 2 The Mindset (2 of 2)
Creating great products requires entire teams, teams that have a product and design thinking mindset and framework that effectively supports this collective problem-solving work in real-time.
Product Operations Fundamentals: Part 1 The Framework (1 of 2)
There are two main pillars to an effective product operations strategy and there are aspects that can be deprioritized depending on company maturity and other organizational factors.
The Most Important Work: Discovery & Delivery
Our capability as a product team to systematically unearth and deliver solutions relevant to our user’s needs and that are leveraged by business goals marks the distinction between excellence and mediocrity in both products and teams.
Great UX Design Takes a Village
If your product team is like the ones that I’ve had the privilege to be a part of, optimal UX Design and Product Design results typically are attributed to the design team’s efforts within your product organization.
The Difference Between UX and UI and Why It Means Everything
Within design and product teams, one of the fundamental yet frequently overlooked distinctions is the clarity surrounding UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface), how they interrelate, and how to effectively attain them.
UX Design Is Not the Cherry On Top
Admittedly I'm a sucker for the most beautiful and elegant user experiences. Poetically timed animations, great color palettes, emotion evoking brand elements, minimalistic and clean UI components that evoke emotion are all various aspects of a great user experience.